Double entry - 45 days stay
- sent to USA office in Washinton D.C
- processing time: 5 business days
- cost: $35US for Visa and $50US for GBAO permit.
Double entry - 30 days stay
- sent to USA office in Washinton D.C
- processing time: 5 business days
- cost: $115US
ChinaDouble entry - 90 days stay (YAHOO!) valid for 6 months
- request directly at Embassy in Calgary, Canada
- processing time: 4 business days
- cost: $75CDN
- note: I didn't have to provide anything (no booking, etc)
- note: I didn't have to provide anything (no booking, etc)
Single entry for 30 days
Requested in Khorog, Tajikistan
Cost: $50USD
Processing time: half day
Requirements: 2 photos, copies of passport and proof of insurance (give anything that looks like helth care card, they don't know and they don't care as long as they have a copy of something! I gave a copy of my Alberta health card which is providing absolutely no insurance whatsoever outside of Canada!)